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KNX Technology
NDIS Official Provider


SyncWise brings the power of  technology to your home and building

Syncwise technology : powerful, flexible solutions

Syncwise brings   technology, a smart control standard

It’s the world’s only open standard for home and building control. Using KNX will future-proof your home or building as the standard keeps developing and gathers more than 550 different manufacturers around the world.

KNX has been an integral part of contemporary building management across the world for 32 years. This powerful, flexible, and mature technology allows the installation of these systems in a wide range of buildings and applications.
KNX is an international building control standard that is used to put intelligence into intelligent buildings. It enables the integration and programming of a range of products from a range of manufacturers using a single software tool. 

KNX products are all thoroughly tested for compliance, ensuring they operate seamlessly together on a single, simple network. 

With the KNX system, Syncwise provides a large variety of elegant switch panels and touch screens, allowing great flexibility and the freedom to customise solutions to each clients needs and wishes. We can integrate many kinds of sensors: motion and photo-cell sensors, temp sensors, weather stations, and more. 

Syncwise provides simple easy-to-use metering solutions that offer real energy use analysis.

By measuring and controlling your building performance over a period of time alongside using KNX technology to harvest daylight and cut off-peak load, you can set consumption regimes that can lead to significant power and money savings. 

Syncwise offers metering solutions by ABB which gives the power back to the building managers. By using an intuitive interface, applications such as monitoring power and generating electricity reports for the whole building are simpler than ever.

House renovations- a trouble free process

Syncwise offers the perfect solution for house renovations by installing smart modules behind any light switch and roller blind switch we can convert your existing house iOS Screenshot 20141110-210439 to a complete smart home.
Syncwise technology allows you to control all the systems in your home or office through your smartphone or tablet.

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