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KNX Technology
NDIS Official Provider

Cross River Rail – Roma Street

Roma Street is under going a major re-development to become Queensland chief transport hub and offer easy access to key Olympics venues, new housing and expanded parklands.

It will include a new underground train station and part of the redevelopment will include an entertainment precinct.

Syncwise have been awarded the project to install the lighting control system for both Roma and Albert Street using the KNX system.  The system will control the lighting along the stairwells, platforms and the architectural lighting inside and outside of the building.

Syncwise have also been requested to be involved in the development of a high level interface that will link all 4 stations to communicate with the client’s SCADA software.  This software acts as 1 console where the various systems that are used at the stations feed into this 1 console.

Location: Brisbane Qld
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