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KNX Technology
NDIS Official Provider

Voice activated devices – the easiest way to control your smart home.

Voice activated devices – the easiest way to control your smart home.
We’ve all been there – you’re finally lying down after an exhausting day, something is holding you back from falling asleep, “have I turned the living room lights off or are they still on?” Why not ask your house for help?
You can trust your voice activated friends – Alexa and Google Home to switch them off. They would execute your instructions, once acknowledged, from anywhere around the house.
It is prudent to choose a Smart Home System that provides high level of flexibility to be voice activated while keeping the required levels of security. Amazon Alexa and Google Home integrates seamlessly with a KNX Smart Home resulting in a highly reliable and efficient Voice Activated System.
Book your free consultation with the KNX experts here or at 1300 480 770
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